Team Physicians Must Advocate for Lifelong Musculoskeletal Well-being
Sports medicine providers, especially those privileged to function as team surgeons, can at times be faced with an interesting dilemma. The truth is our livelihood seemingly depends on injured athletes. Our clinic and operating room schedules fill up during the height of sports seasons with athletes hoping that we can help get them back in the game. Most of us grew up as participants and fans of the games we are now covering. After hours of dedicated sideline and training room coverage, we feel a bond with our athletes and we hope to see their teams succeed. That success is occasionally dependent on an injured athlete’s quick return to play. On the other hand, we have a responsibility to protect these athletes from unnecessary risks and the potential burden of long-term musculoskeletal dysfunction.
The One Center for Making a Difference
When you experience an injury or have pain, your goal is to seek health care that will return you to a quality lifestyle as soon as possible. You want a physician that is the absolute best in their field – one that can diagnose and treat you right the first time.
When You Need The Best
We love hearing from our patients and value your feedback. Cincinnati SportsMedicine welcomes your comments, suggestions, compliments and complaints as one critical way to continuously improve our services to you.